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EKNA Ukraine is a young active distributor and an expert in medical equipment with a strong focus on equipment for hospitals.
We provide vendors with:
- market access expertise
- brand development by implementing agreed strategy and conducting tactic steps
- enable product availability to every relevant tender
- full service for installation and warranty and post-warranty service, and equipment repair.
We provide hospitals with:
- expert consultancy
- plan to optimize existing equipment for the tasks and goals of patient care
- attractive prices for devices and complex solutions
- installations and warranty and post-warranty service, and equipment repair.
EKNA cooperates with state and private hospitals in Ukraine. But the main clients are state and municipal hospitals, which account for up to 95% of the imaging equipment channel in terms of value, without significant dynamics over the past 10 years.
We have stable partnership relations with the 500 largest hospitals, which account for 70% of sales of all equipment in Ukraine.
Our business model is based on direct deliveries from the manufacturer to Ukraine without the use of intermediaries abroad and in Ukraine. Our mastery of cost management allows us to offer the market the most attractive prices and win tenders.
The EKNA team includes 5 sales managers, a product manager and two engineers (+2 outsourced engineers), which on the one hand allows us to cover up to 70%+ of the equipment channel, on the other hand, it is effective from the point of view of the lowest possible fixed costs and allows us to sell equipment significantly below our competitors. This allows the company to win tenders.
A professional team of engineers allows for quick and high-quality installation, maintenance and repair of equipment: both sold by us and equipment sold by other distributors.
Two key components of our business model:
Direct delivery from plant to hospital/WH without intermediate companies & using average industrial markup
enable us to effectively manage compliance risks, be transparent for a supplier, and create a sustainable business model.
It is an essential competitive advantage for the vendor to manage compliance risks, which are incredibly high for the old Ukrainian distributors and their suppliers now, in the condition of financing the health sector of Ukraine with EU and US grants.